Psychological Theory Analysis in “One Tree Hill”

From psychology we can learn how people differently think and how it affects them. How they’re emotions symbolize them. It’s psychological appeal to viewers are how their mind can control actions and beliefs. The characters in this T.V. show that there past memories can take over how they think and what they want to do for their present and future. I think the psychological issues this show explores is to find each character’s identity as they move on while their High School senior year comes to an end.

Two characters in the show, Peyton and Brooke are great examples who give us an example of the unconscious because they both have a past that traumatizes them in their present and both believe they’re future won’t be at their best because of that past. They pretty much sell there selves short. I think the author constructed the mains texts to be a representation of the unconscious to show that everyone goes through this phase on a daily basis. Desires are represented in a text by the characters wanting love and what they want their present and future to look like, perfect. The desires give these characters a sense of hope dream of whatever they want to be and do whether it’s a fashion designer, NBA player, being in love, to be rich and powerful, to be a parent, to die, etc. In just in general, live life to the fullest.

There are conflicts and dynamics that arise of Oedipal/ Electra complex in a character because some character’s parents abandoned them, had an affair, died in an accident and cancer, etc. Some characters realize they don’t get the attention they’ve wanted. Lastly, dreams are an aspect of the text. They’re used by their reason of struggle and what their conscious depicts. It cures/ improves past and recent conflicts. The unconscious reveals many emotions, hopes, wishes inside and out. They’re used to show how people think and act by what they’re mind, heart, and feelings tell them.



One thought on “Psychological Theory Analysis in “One Tree Hill”

  1. Asiana,
    Thank you for this detailed post! I like how you focused on some different aspects of characters and situations from the psychological lens.

    -Ms. E

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